Healthcare for All
NYSNA's mission is to care for all New Yorkers. We believe that healthcare is a right — and that everyone should have access to care based on need, not the ability to pay for it.

Healthcare for All
Nationally, we endorse a universal, single-payer Medicare for All system that ensures access to high-quality care for everyone. A nationwide, publicly funded single-payer system would replace private, corporate health insurance by extending Medicare to cover everyone living in the United States. Rich or poor, young or old — everyone will be in the same boat, with access to the same high-quality care. At the state level, NYSNA supports the New York Health Act, which would cover all residents.
Winning Healthcare for All in New York
In Congress, both the House and the Senate have legislation with historic levels of co-sponsors. In New York, State Senator Gustavo Rivera and State Assembly Member Amy Paulin have reintroduced legislation for a statewide universal, single-payer system — the New York Health Act (A.6058/S.5474). NYSNA supports this bill, which has passed the Assembly consistently and has strong support in the State Senate.
NYSNA Single Payer Healthcare Committee Newsletter
NYSNA nurses are ready to recommit to expanding access to healthcare for ALL New Yorkers. The Single Payer Healthcare Committee has created this newsletter to keep our members updated about the latest news and engage them to participate in actions and events to help win healthcare as a human right! Read the latest newsletter here.