Continuing Education
NYSNA members can access free and discounted continuing education courses and workshops. Learn more about advancing your practice with our certification review courses, Nurse Education and Practice workshops and seminars, and more.

NYSNA Is Your Accredited Resource for Continuing Education
The New York State Nurses Association is accredited by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation as a provider of nursing continuing professional development and by the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and is authorized to issue the IACET continuing education units (CEU).
To receive CHs/CEUs, all participants are required to:
- Attend the entire workshop
- Complete all in-session program assignments
- Complete an evaluation form
- Complete and return a post-program Survey Monkey® questionnaire and/or complete and return a post-program checklist, where applicable
NEW NYSNA e-LeaRN Platform
Registration for all NYSNA classes and workshops will be on the new NYSNA e-LeaRN platform. Check out the website and sign up for upcoming classes today! Read the instructions for how to create your e-LeaRN account.
Learn with Us
2025 Calendar
NYSNA offers educational programs in person and online. View the Calendar of Events for the complete list of offerings.
Registration for all NYSNA classes and workshops will be on the new NYSNA e-LeaRN platform. Check out the website and sign up for classes today!
Continuing Education Courses

NYSNA Workshops
NYSNA’s Nursing Education and Practice program offers workshops throughout the state for all members, with topics including:
- Documentation: Knowing Your Rights and Responsibilities
- Accountability in Your RN Practice
Understanding Your RN Practice in New York State - Violence In The Workplace: Nurse Leaders Organizing a Response and Action Plan
- Substance Use Disorder: Occupational Hazard for Nurses

Standards of Practice and Certification Review Courses
Standards of Practice and Certification Review Workshops prepare professional registered nurses who are considering taking the ANCC certification examination in their specialty. Courses are FREE for NYSNA Members.

New York State Mandated Courses
NYSNA’s e-LeaRN platform offers free access for NYSNA members to New York-mandated courses, including Infection Control Mandated Training and Child Abuse: Identification and Reporting.

Roundtable Discussions
Join us for enriching and insightful Nursing Practice Roundtable discussions, designed exclusively for NYSNA nurses. These engaging sessions will provide a platform for nurses to gather and explore essential topics that directly impact their professional well-being and the quality of patient care.
Have an idea for a roundtable discussion? Email Nursing Education and Practice.

MED-ED Continuing Nursing Education
NYSNA has partnered with MED-ED Continuing Nursing Education to allow active NYSNA members have full access to the complete catalogue of offerings at a 50% reduced rate. These are 100% self-study programs, and you can access the program at your leisure. Sign in to My Membership for your discount code.

NYSNA's Seminar
at Sea
NYSNA's Seminar at Sea provides nurses with a unique, relaxing learning environment. NYSNA Seminar at Sea 2025 will be a 7-Night Cruise to Spain and Portugal and will take place May 24 - 31, 2025. Participants of the 2025 program will be eligible to receive 19 CH/2.0 CEUs.