NYSNA Update: January 24, 2025

Oneida Nurses Speak Out for Fair Contract
NYSNA nurses at Oneida Health braved the cold to hold a speak-out on Wednesday, Jan. 22, demanding that management settle a fair contract that nurses and patients deserve.
Last month, just before union nurses’ contract expired on Dec. 31, management walked away from the table. It took Oneida nurses marching on the boss, speaking out and engaging a federal mediator to get management back to the table. Nurses were also back at the table this week fighting for a contract that includes enforceable safe staffing standards, a plan to retain experienced nurses, and respectful wages and benefits. With a history of high nurse turnover, Oneida Health needs to start investing in its nurses.
Oneida Health must listen to frontline nurses and settle a fair contract that keeps experienced nurses at the bedside. Nurses’ speak-out earned widespread media attention, including on NBC 5, and WSYR.

Albany Med Nurses Bring Labor Leaders Together at Labor Roundtable
On Thursday, Jan. 23, NYSNA nurses attended the New York State AFL-CIO’s labor roundtable, speaking to union leaders and elected officials from across the state about the ongoing contract fight at Albany Medical Center and hospital management’s vicious, anti-union behavior. In attendance at the roundtable were New York State AFL-CIO President Mario Cilento; our union siblings from CDALF, 1199 SEIU and CWA; New York State Assembly Member Gabriella Romero; and representatives from the Offices of the Governor and the Attorney General and the New York State Department of Labor. Attendees listened to nurses share stories about the staffing crisis and its impact on their ability to provide safe, quality patient care to the members of their community and the ways their employer has targeted and retaliated against outspoken, pro-union nurses.
Attendees were deeply moved by members’ stories and pledged to support Albany Med nurses in their fight for a fair contract. Notably, Cilento, who recently submitted a letter to the Times Union on behalf of Albany Med nurses, pledged to the campaign the support of all 2.5 million AFL-CIO members in New York state. NYSNA Executive Director Pat Kane, RN, spoke, saying “All these nurses want is what everyone wants: decent working conditions and healthcare, a decent retirement — and all these things are good for the community, the workers, and our patients.”
With the renewed support of our union siblings and other allies, Albany Med nurses will continue to fight for the fair contract that nurses and patients deserve! To learn more about the campaign at Albany Med, visit albanymedqualitycare.org.

Centerlight Nurses Demand Fair Contract
Despite freezing temperatures, Centerlight Healthcare nurses were back this week distributing flyers in the community to ask for support in their efforts to save their healthcare and demand a fair contract. On NYSNA’s social media and in the press, nurses have spoken about management’s callous decision to cut off their health insurance and the impact of this loss.
Now nurses are asking for the community to add their voice and ask Centerlight management to do the right thing: restore nurses’ healthcare and negotiate a fair contract that nurses and their patients deserve. If you haven’t already, sign and share their petition.