Avian Influenza Update: Jan 2025
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a health advisory through its Health Alert Network regarding testing and subtyping for influenza A. There is currently a high rate of seasonal influenza A (both H1N1 and H3N2 subtypes) in circulation. In addition, the current avian influenza subtype is an influenza A virus (H5N1). By recommending a shorter timeline for testing and subtyping which type of influenza A that patients are presenting with, the CDC hopes to catch any human avian influenza cases as quickly as possible. Read the full advisory here.
While there have not yet been any reported human cases of avian influenza in New York State, it is important that nurses be prepared to safely care for potential patients. Check out NYSNA's latest Avian Influenza Health & Safety Guidelines to learn more about precautions, protocols and treatment recommendations.
If you have questions or concerns regarding infection control at your facility, please contact the NYSNA Occupational Health and Safety Representatives at healthandsafety@nysna.org.