Snapshot: early retirement

The close of 2015 saw the retirement of many long-serving Long Island nurses, leaving a void for co-workers and patients alike. While they will be missed in the halls of their hospitals, their service and impact will continue to be felt as they move into the next phase of their lives. Among them were three NYSNA member leaders who had the opportunity to take advantage of early retirement options negotiated as part of their collective bargaining agreements.
Sharing good advice
With the retirement of 28-year veteran Vivian Cutrone, RN, from Northwell Health System Syosset, NYSNA members will surely feel the absence of one of their most stalwart advocates. Ms. Cutrone had spent the past 16 years as Grievance Co-Chair, and her level of contract knowledge was well regarded.
“It’s not just an organization you belong to at work,” said Ms. Cutrone. “It’s a 24/7 part of who you are. It’s about the constant pursuit of higher standards for both the nursing profession and for the care we give to our patients. NYSNA helps us be the best nurses we can possibly be.”
Marie Boyle, RN, and Linda Joyce, RN, both retired from Northwell Health System Southside. Ms. Boyle is a 43-year veteran of the cardiac unit and Ms. Joyce spent 35 of her 38 years of her nursing career at the hospital.
“Don’t let your inability to make big changes stand in the way of doing small things that can change someone’s life,” said Ms. Boyle. “It’s the small, routine things — like helping a diabetic better understand and manage his disease — that can have a big, long-term impact.”
“The Union protects your license every single day you work at your hospital,” said Ms. Joyce. “When it comes to big issues like protecting your job and your license, NYSNA is absolutely essential.”