The Journal of the New York State Nurses Association is a peer-reviewed publication, featuring research on issues affecting New York nurses and patients. The Journal also presents a publishing opportunity for member RNs.
Listed below are a selection of recent issues of the Journal.
- Vol. 51, Number 1 (New!)
- Vol. 50, Number 2
- Vol. 50, Number 1
- Vol. 49, Number 2
- Vol. 49, Number 1
- Vol. 48, Number 2
- Vol. 48, Number 1
- Vol. 47, Number 2
- Vol. 47, Number 1
- Vol. 46, Number 2
- Vol. 46, Number 1
- Vol. 45, Number 2
- Vol. 45, Number 1
- Vol. 44, Number 2
- Vol. 44, Number 1
- Vol. 43, Number 2
- Vol. 43, Number 1
- Vol. 42, Numbers 1 and 2
Guidelines for Authors
Managing Co-Editors: Carol Lynn Esposito, EdD, JD, MS, RN-BC, NPD and Lucille Contreras Sollazzo, MSN, RN-BC, NPD
Editorial Policy
We welcome articles that reflect a variety of research methods, provide commentary, or offer personal accounts of nursing. Journal articles cover all manner of issues relevant to nursing today: legislation and regulation; advocacy; solutions to healthcare disparities; nursing’s role in advancing healthcare quality and patient safety; healthcare financing; and more.
The Journal is especially receptive to the work of new authors who are able to write professionally, in keeping with the manuscript guidelines below. Manuscripts of up to 20 pages, including tables and references, will be considered.
All manuscripts should be original, unpublished work that is not being reviewed elsewhere.
Manuscripts prepared according to these guidelines should also include an abstract of approximately 100-150 words.
Manuscript Preparation
The Journal follows the style outlined in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (Seventh Edition, 2020.) Please consult this manual for the appropriate style, detailed information on formats for different types of manuscripts, and the presentation of references, tables, and figures. Please note that all references should be as current as possible, when appropriate.
Authors are responsible for requesting permission for the use of copyrighted material such as tables, charts, forms, and figures. Letters of permission should be submitted with the manuscript.
Manuscripts should be submitted by e-mail to as an attachment in either Microsoft Word (preferred) or Rich Text format. The manuscript must include a title page, with the name and credentials of all authors as they should appear in the Journal. Also include all authors’ primary professional affiliation. Please provide complete contact information for the lead author who will be responsible for receiving communications from the editors.
Should your submission be accepted for publication to award contact hours, a completed Biographical Data form and a Conflict of Interest form from each author must be submitted. The Conflict of Interest form must be signed or digitally verified, not typewritten. This form may be scanned and e-mailed to the address above, or faxed to 518-782-9530. Also, a Purpose Statement, Lesson Plan, and 15-20 questions (depending upon the length of the article) will be required within one week of receiving the letter of acceptance for publication.
Editors reserve the right to edit all manuscripts to comply with style and space requirements. Edited articles will be submitted to the lead author for approval.
Upon acceptance, the lead author will be notified in writing in which issue of the Journal the article will be published, and a complimentary copy of that issue will be provided.