Jesse Myerson, 347.688.0241,
Eliza Bates, 917.565.2976,
Brooklyn RNs Stand Up for Behavioral Health Patients: Patients Shouldn’t Have to Suffer From this Game of “Musical Chairs”
BROOKLYN—NYSNA nurses at Kings County, Woodhull and Coney Island Hospitals and other Brooklyn hospitals will be holding a rally to protect Brooklyn behavioral health patients who are being forced to play a dangerous game of musical chairs. After the rally, which will take place in front of Woodhull Hospital, RNs will speak out directly to raise their concerns to the HHC Board of Directors’ meeting, inside the hospital.
WHAT: Rally for Brooklyn Behavioral Health Patients
WHEN: Tuesday, November 26
TIME: 5pm Rally and Street Theater piece, 6pm HHC Board meeting
WHO: NYSNA Nurses from Kings County, Woodhull, Coney Island, Interfaith, LICH, and other Brooklyn hospitals
WHERE: In front of Woodhull Medical Center, 760 Broadway in Brooklyn
PHOTO/VIDEO OPPORTUNITY: Street theater piece- nurses and patients will be forced by hospital administrators to play a game of musical chairs… until nurses, patients, and community members unite to stop them.
· Behavioral health services at Interfaith and Long Island College Hospital are being targeted for cuts and closure. Brooklyn could soon face a behavioral healthcare crisis as units across the borough face cuts and closure. This puts patients at risk and stresses our entire Brooklyn healthcare system, especially our public hospitals. Kings County Hospital and other HHC facilities are expected to pick up most of these patients. HHC needs a plan to safely staff these units to ensure that patients receive quality care.
· Kings County nurses are calling on hospital management and HHC executives to make a plan that would ensure safe staffing levels at behavioral health units.