Census 2020: Count Us In!

Be part of the effort to make sure our communities are counted in the 2020 Census! Nurses are joining with labor to make sure our communities are able to receive the healthcare, educational and other resources we need.

Starting March 12, households will begin receiving official Census Bureau mail. If you do not receive something via mail, you can still go online and complete the Census for your family. Download an Informational Flier that tells you all about the Census, and why it is so important. Take a look at this Informational video as well.

Lastly, we can use all the help we can get on the ground. Nurses have an important role to play. Please let us know if you can assist with getting hard to reach New Yorkers to fill out the Census. NYSNA will be doing this work in partnership with other Labor Unions. Complete a Volunteer Form today.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Jeremy Markman, and let’s make sure we count everyone in!