NYRN: Recruiting volunteer vaccinators for NYS county health departments

NYRN seeks Vaccination Volunteers
New York State County Health Departments have established vaccine distribution points (PODs) throughout New York, and when they do have the supply, they're often overwhelmed with demand.

Please register through the ServNY Volunteer Management system, and sign up for a NY.gov ID HERE.

ServNY validates your licensure, and your application is forwarded to the local county health department you indicate. The county will send an e-mail, directing you to an online registration page where you register for shifts.

Here’s a guide that includes instructions to register for the NYC Medical Reserve Corps. Each county DOH has its own process after you register through the State.

For the NYC MRC, you'll complete an online orientation and “just in time” training at the start of your shift at the POD. You're covered for liability through the MRC.

For volunteers in New York City:

  • Your initial login information to the NYC Medical Reserve Corps Volunteers Portal is your e-mail as your user name, and the password P4ssw0rd!
  • You can only access the NYC MRC portal after you’ve registered with ServNY.

NYSNA and NYRN encourages members to join efforts to help vaccinate NY, and take part in Dr. King’s legacy of service and healthcare justice: “Everyone can be great,” Dr. King once said, “because everyone can serve.”

For additional questions, please e-mail rony.curvelo@nysna.org or call 347-244-9508, and thank you.