When We Fight, We Win!

NYC nurse strike ends with groundbreaking agreements
After months of negotiations, more than 7,000 nurses at Mount Sinai Hospital and Montefiore Bronx went on strike on Jan. 9 for safe staffing and to improve patient care. The key sticking point in negotiations was safe staffing to ensure there are enough nurses at the bedside to safely care for patients.
After three days on the picket line, where energy was high and the world was watching in support, nurses were able to reach groundbreaking tentative agreements that increase staffing levels and enforcement, increase salaries by approximately 19% with extra steps and pay over the three-year contract, protected healthcare benefits, and improve pandemic health and safety and community benefits. Nurses clapped back at the bosses’ attacks on them from the strike line, making sure their voices were heard loud and clear. Local, national, and international news covered the strike including ABC Channel 7, ABC Nightline, Good Morning America, CNN, Reuters and more. Nurses also received support around the country as elected officials including Attorney General Letitia James, labor allies and community members showed up at the picket line or sent messages of solidarity.
On Friday, January 20, Mount Sinai and Montefiore nurses voted overwhelmingly to ratify their new agreements. Congratulations to Mount Sinai Hospital and Montefiore Bronx nurses! To see inspiring photos and videos from the New York City nurses strike, visit our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok pages.